I'm Back...from Vegas/ Laziness


Hey, all. I'm sorry, I've been away so much. Just have been uber-lazy/busy at the same time. I went with Vegas with the family, but it wasn't so funny. I discovered that these are the four people who have the most fun in Vegas:

1) Those who drink
2) Those who have money to buy drinks/ eat in expensive restaurants
3) Those who are coming with their hip, young friends, but not their family
4) All of the above

Basically, since I didn't fulfill any of the requirements, I didn't have a super swell time. No matter; a family friend's family (that's right, right?) came over and their older son and my siblings and I had a lot of fun just talking, watching movies, and playing this random hotel key conspiracy game.

Anyways, just wanted to update y'all on what's going on. Stay tuned for more updates because I've got a lot on my mind and I need to unleash it to the masses (or just me, but it's okay ;)

Until Next Time,
