I Want It All


Hey, all.

I was just listening to Nickelodeon's Big Time Rush. It's a show that features 4 young men who create a pop band. Initially, they were wary about the pop-star lifestyle and were all convinced they all wanted different things. Little did they know that deep down, they all loved music and they truly enjoy following their dreams.

Cheesy antics aside, this show is a good way of showing kids what they are getting into when they say they want to be stars. It also instills good values that you don't see often in Hollywood: loyalty, hard work, and genuineness.

In between commercials, there was a couple "Behind the Scenes" look at the REAL band, Big Time Rush. It filled me with pride, watching these 4 fulfilling their dreams. They are gambling everything (their privacy, anonymity, time, future) for a shot at stardom-- and they're succeeding.

Listening to their theme song, there were generic words like "never quit, make it big, make it real, make it count, play it straight" etc. The one that got me was:

"Come on, shake it up/What you gotta lose...If you want it all, lay it on the line/It's the only life you've got/so you gotta live it big time."

These Nickelodeon pop tarts are right! I can't get what I want by wishing.

Time to stop wishing on a star (here's looking at you, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White) and start working on my dream (like Princess Tiana).

See y'all. I gotta get to work ;)

Until Next Time,
