I've Been Unfaithful


Hello, all.

I have to admit...I've cheated.

Before you start crying and wondering how I could've done something so selfish since what we had was special and all, let me explain further:

I went and got a tumblr.

When I first heard of tumblr, I thought it was a dumb idea; why have a mini-blog when you can get a real, legitimate blog for free? It's like having a Twilight book in a shelf full of REAL Vampire literature: LAME.

Yet, I found myself getting stir-crazy and restless with my nowhere blog. I thought of awesome blog topics, but I can't organize my thoughts correctly. Moreover, I can't decide where this blog is going.

So, I decided to step back from the exhausting task of blogging once a month and get a mini tumblr. I got one, posted a post...and immediately returned back to my blogspot.

It meant nothing, I swear! lol

All jokes aside, I'll try to keep a real blog going from now on words. What it'll entail, I don't know.

But you sure are welcome to sit along for the ride ;)

