Film Fridays: Marie Antoinette


This week, I watched Sofia Coppola's Marie Antionette. As seen by the title, the movie was based on the life of Marie Antionette, from her marriage to Louis XVI to the eve of her execution.

Marie Antionette is History's scapegoat and this movie does a good job of showing how helpless she really was. As a woman, she had no political power in the French court, yet she was blamed for all of France's troubles.


Have you seen the dresses? They were amazing! If there is anything historically correct about this movie, it is the dresses.
-Jason Schwartzman
He was a great King! He was perfectly awkward and endearing. He made you feel sorry for him being unable to, erm, perform. He got his key to work, eventually.

I love the palace and the setting for the movie. The setting was absolutely stunning.

The Camera Angles
The cinematography was exquisite. The swift shots kept you fully engaged at all times. There were really interesting angles that put the audience right alongside Marie Antoinette and all her debauchery.

The Food:
The food in the movie looked so appetizing. Half of me (okay, fine, ALL of me) wished I could just float through the screen, grab a couple pastries, then come home and stuff my face. But alas, not all dreams come true....


-No Accents
None of the main characters had any accents. French, Austrian, anything! It takes away from the magic of the movie.
As much as I love Kirsten Dunst's voice, I feel that the casting of a mostly American cast in a French-specific movie was a slap in the face. The casting of French/European actors and actresses would have been refreshing and more authentic.
-Rock Music:
It was an anachronistic with the movie's history. I would've preferred some classical music or something, but the rock music was a jarring reminder of how this period piece was out of sorts of reality.

Bottom Line

This movie was entertaining, but don't expect it to give you a quick Sparknotes overview of what really went down. The cinematography was outstanding, but the best part of this movie was the display of all these events from her point of view. She is historically viewed as a selfish ice queen, but this portrayal shows her as what she was: a naive, sweet, but ill-prepared queen with no one on her side. Try ruling a kingdom with that kind of negative chi.

That's all for now. Have an awesome Friday!

