Move-In Day!


Hey, all! Today, my sister Steph moved in (finally...) lol. It was rather swift and no tears were shed this time around. My parents, my sister, my little brother, Uzoh (a family friend who's like a brother to me, Steph, and Chudi) and yours truly helped move her in today.

Here's a shot of all of us as we walk to the garage to go home after dropping off Steph's stuff in her dorm.
Here we are again. :)
Here's Steph, BEFORE our 11 FLIGHTS OF STAIRS journey to Steph's new dorm room.

Here's my little brother, guarding Steph's stuff like a real G.

This is all Steph took with her to college. All she took was a suitcase, matress set, her lacrosse stick, Boris the Panda, and some shoes. Like she always says, "Minimalism is in." I should keep that in mind when I'm bringing my whole house with me to move in next month.

Watching Steph settle in was refreshing! Not that I won't miss her, but her leaving usually signals that my departures is not too far off. As much as I love hanging out here at home, I yearn for the city. For dorm life. For people my age. For good-looking collegiate men.

Oh, well. It's only 24 days from now, but who's counting? ;)

