The 2 Month Itch....


Hey, all. I have an announcement to make:

I miss school.

There, I said it. What can I say? I love the change a new school year brings. I love taking new classes, meeting new people, and (dare I say it?) Learning. I didn't even know I that I loved to learn until this summer.

Usually, summer's a chance to recharge my battery and rest my brain after a "strenuous" year of school. However, after one year at college, I am itching to go back.

I thought it was because I wanted to return back to the safety of my dorms to allow myself to get into whatever nerdy shenanigans I usually engage in, but I realize that is more than that. I want to return to school to become a better student. There is so much knowledge in the world, and I want to challenge myself to become a more intelligent person. Nothing is sexier than an intelligent woman. ;)

I go to UCLA, and it is extremely inspiring to be surrounded by so many smart people. It just makes me eager to finally join the ranks. My goal when I matriculated was to become "that one smart girl at UCLA". I haven't accomplished that title yet, but I want it so badly now.

I feel like I sort of wasted my freshman year. Yeah, it was my first year of college and all, but that's not an excuse for mediocrity. This is my year to shine. Nothing, not even my own laziness is gonna stop me (hopefully)

Until next time,
