This week, I watched Sofia Coppola's Marie Antionette. As seen by the title, the movie was based on the life of Marie Antionette, from her marriage to Louis XVI to the eve of her execution.

An Online Collection of my random musings, likes and dislikes, and views on current events.
This week, I watched Sofia Coppola's Marie Antionette. As seen by the title, the movie was based on the life of Marie Antionette, from her marriage to Louis XVI to the eve of her execution.
Hey, all.
I was just listening to Nickelodeon's Big Time Rush. It's a show that features 4 young men who create a pop band. Initially, they were wary about the pop-star lifestyle and were all convinced they all wanted different things. Little did they know that deep down, they all loved music and they truly enjoy following their dreams.
I started cleaning my massive pile of organized school junk and I saw my special folder where I kept all my college booklets. I'd been obsessing over college since I was in elementary school (my elementary school teacher reminded me about a time when I cried about a B on a test, thinking "it would affect my application to Stanford")
It just makes me nostalgic for those days when the world was my oyster. Although I am in no way unhappy with my current school, I still kinda wonder what could've been if I'd changed my high school experience. What if I spent a little bit more time studying for my SAT/ACT instead of playing sports? Would those extra hours of watching the news helped me relate to my interviewers?
Most importantly, the main question I have is: Could I have gotten into an Ivy League like I always dreamed if I had worked just a LITTLE bit harder?
I guess we'll never know. I just have to make this Public Ivy help me forget about those silly East Coast schools. But UCLA's no consolation prize anyway ;)
Hey, all. I have an announcement to make:
I miss school.
There, I said it. What can I say? I love the change a new school year brings. I love taking new classes, meeting new people, and (dare I say it?) Learning. I didn't even know I that I loved to learn until this summer.
Usually, summer's a chance to recharge my battery and rest my brain after a "strenuous" year of school. However, after one year at college, I am itching to go back.
I thought it was because I wanted to return back to the safety of my dorms to allow myself to get into whatever nerdy shenanigans I usually engage in, but I realize that is more than that. I want to return to school to become a better student. There is so much knowledge in the world, and I want to challenge myself to become a more intelligent person. Nothing is sexier than an intelligent woman. ;)
I go to UCLA, and it is extremely inspiring to be surrounded by so many smart people. It just makes me eager to finally join the ranks. My goal when I matriculated was to become "that one smart girl at UCLA". I haven't accomplished that title yet, but I want it so badly now.
I feel like I sort of wasted my freshman year. Yeah, it was my first year of college and all, but that's not an excuse for mediocrity. This is my year to shine. Nothing, not even my own laziness is gonna stop me (hopefully)
Until next time,
Hello, all.
I have to admit...I've cheated.
Before you start crying and wondering how I could've done something so selfish since what we had was special and all, let me explain further:
I went and got a tumblr.
When I first heard of tumblr, I thought it was a dumb idea; why have a mini-blog when you can get a real, legitimate blog for free? It's like having a Twilight book in a shelf full of REAL Vampire literature: LAME.
Yet, I found myself getting stir-crazy and restless with my nowhere blog. I thought of awesome blog topics, but I can't organize my thoughts correctly. Moreover, I can't decide where this blog is going.
So, I decided to step back from the exhausting task of blogging once a month and get a mini tumblr. I got one, posted a post...and immediately returned back to my blogspot.
It meant nothing, I swear! lol
All jokes aside, I'll try to keep a real blog going from now on words. What it'll entail, I don't know.
But you sure are welcome to sit along for the ride ;)
Hey, all. I'm sorry, I've been away so much. Just have been uber-lazy/busy at the same time. I went with Vegas with the family, but it wasn't so funny. I discovered that these are the four people who have the most fun in Vegas:
1) Those who drink
2) Those who have money to buy drinks/ eat in expensive restaurants
3) Those who are coming with their hip, young friends, but not their family
4) All of the above
Basically, since I didn't fulfill any of the requirements, I didn't have a super swell time. No matter; a family friend's family (that's right, right?) came over and their older son and my siblings and I had a lot of fun just talking, watching movies, and playing this random hotel key conspiracy game.
Anyways, just wanted to update y'all on what's going on. Stay tuned for more updates because I've got a lot on my mind and I need to unleash it to the masses (or just me, but it's okay ;)
Until Next Time,
A College Girl's Cynical, yet Highly entertaining View on Random Subjects
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