I Got a Job!

Hello, all! Today, I got a job offer at......

Best Buy! This is sweet for a couple reasons:

a) I've got a job. Now I can spend my hard-earned money on stuff like vanilla-shea butter and clothes (I've got to add more skinny jeans to my collection. I've been wearing the same 3 in rotation, hoping no one notices, lol)

b) I passed their personality aptitude test. Last time I applied (two years ago), they threw out my application because my personality was "all over the place". Believe me, when you answer 200 questions on whether or not you're "creative" or "like to work with people", your answers will also get kinda scattered.

3) Money! Need I say more? I'm a broke college student. Give me a break.

4) I get to work with my cool bud, G-Bach. We went to high school and now we are going to college together. Apparently, he's my superior/training person, so I need to go through him to earn my blue shirt. I'll just have to expedite that process so I'm not wearing a white shirt like a noob.

5) It's close to home; I can ride my bike like the French do. The French are so glamorous.

6) Hot guys. Hot guys + Love for Electronics= Naturally stopping by Best Buy. Hello, flirting ops.

That's all for now. The environment seems coo and relaxed, so hopefully I'll like this job better than the last ones. Now to move onto that pesky drug test....

Until Next Time,