It's Official: Facebook Makes Me Feel Bored

I've finally done it. I reactivated my facebook account. I haven't gone on since late June/Early July.

I was just so frustrated with Facebook for 4 reasons:

1) No one was talking to me: It's like everyone logs onto facebook in the summer, but does nothing productive (i.e. Post lovely wall posts on my wall....)

2) I wanted to lessen my dependency on technology for staying in meaningful relationships.

3) Anyone I really cared to talk to I could talk to using alternate means (i.e. phone calls/ texting)

4) It was super boring!!!!

I caved in and reactivated it this morning. Not because I was craving cyber-relationships, but for one reason:

To make sure the guy I fancy is still single.

Yep. Your girl Sandra is a bit of a lunatic. I don't have his number, so I was counting on Facebook to start a little cyber-convo that could hopefully translate to real talk when we go back to school

I know it's totally hypocritical, but I'm desperate!

Needless to say, he's still single. Obviously holding out on me ;)
