Hello, Lovers!

Good evening, random viewers! I don't know how you managed to stumble upon my humble little blog, but you are cordially welcome.

You may wonder what the purpose of this blog is. Basically, it's a place for me to drop my random musings into one neat little package.

Hopefully I can use this blog to write about my favorite topics (fashion, hair, health, fitness, movies, celebrities, music and books) so when I'm almost 90, senile, and trying to seduce my hot male nurse in my old folks home, I can have this to look back on and remember the good old days of a 19 year old in the beautiful state of California (queue "California Gurlz")

Since you are gonna get to know a lot about my interest, you might as well get a sliver into the person behind the blog. I'm a 19 year old college student (UCLA, holla!!) I'm Nigerian, a vegetarian, and a very quirky chick. But I've grown to love my quirks, because quirks are cute :)

Anyway, it's about that time (the time where I can't think of anything else interesting to write).

Until next time,
