I'm sitting here with my little bro watching She's the Man. I got inspired to watch it for two reasons:
1) I wanted to see someone go through the same struggle as me as they reach their soccer goals (I'm trying to make the club soccer team at my school)
2) I watched Coach Carter for a hot second and remembered what a hottie Channing Tatum was.
Anyway, here's an ode to the hottie that was Channing Tatum. He used to be super hot. Observe:
He's sort of lost his...edge recently, but who can blame him? It must be hard work making a body like that, and even harder work maintaining it. Either way, his six-pack is forever branded in my mind's eye.
Until Next time,
P.S. I'm kinda sad that Amanda Bynes retired from acting. She's a natural. At least she left at her peak rather than her downfall.